Hairy Squat Lobster
(Lauriea Siagiani)
Puerto Galera waters are teeming with life. This incredibly beautiful marine crustacean is commonly known as the "Pink hairy squat lobster". The scientific name is Lauriea Siagiani. This animal is not really a lobster, but it belongs to a group of crabs called Anomurans.
Hairy squat lobsters or Fairy Crabs are tiny. Adults typically not more than 2 centimeters. Their body is almost translucent; their legs show edges of intense, nearly florescent pinkish-purple color, with purple spots and lots of white hairs covering the entire body. They lives on a species of sea sponge called the "Giant barrel sponge" (Xestospongia testudinaria).
Frequency of Sighting: Common
Remarks: Lenght up to 2 cm, 5-30m depth.
Dive Sites Seen at: Manila Channel, Big Lalaguna, Small Lalaguna, Sabang Point, Monkey Beach, Ernie's Point, West Escarceo, Kilima Steps.
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